
I am a mid-career middle school teacher who, with my wife and 10 year old son, is participating in a teacher exchange with an Australian colleague for the 2014 calendar year.

Preparing for the decision we researched and read blogs from other exchange participants and valued the insight and honesty they provided.

TEACHEREXCHANGE.CA is our contribution to the dialogue about exchanges: the processes, challenges and advice both given and received.


16 Responses to About

  1. Scott McEwen

    My family and I have also started the process of a teacher exchange to Australia for the 2013 calendar year. I have enjoyed reading your blog thus far and will continue to check on your progress.

    • admin

      Thanks for the note, Scott. Glad you have enjoyed the posts so far – feel a little like I’m speaking out of turn not having actually done an exchange yet, but I was wanting to chronicle the whole process from beginning to (hopefully successful) end.
      Would love to keep up to date with you and your exchange experience too – interested in contributing to the blog? πŸ™‚
      Best of luck!

    • cteachr

      Scott is our local exchange guy this year. He’s in the Melbourne area. We have a lovely Aussie couple exchanging in the Ottawa area now. Glad to see Scott’s exchange happened and looking forward to reading about his year.

  2. mrmuzzdog

    Just saw your tweet via the #cdned hashtag. Great that you are starting the process of your Exchange now, and be it known, the process does not end the moment you return! We exchanged to Melbourne in 2007. I think each Canadian bank has an Oz partner. We went with Westpac in Oz. I think Bank of Nova Scotia has a more direct/connected partner, but this could all be different now. We paid all our Oz bills using our Cdn credit card, to earn as many Aeroplan points as possible and paid our bills online each month via our Cdn Bank. Keep EVERY receipt for everything, as you will be able to claim moving expenses for the exchange at the end, but may have to fight CRA to get it. Have a good accountant look after this. There is lots of great advice on the ceef.ca website about all sorts of exchange matters (ceef is the org that arranges BC, ON and NB exchanges) In 2007, I networked with most of the Cdn exchangees and we learned a lot from one another. Set up a Facebook Group (or something similar) to keep in touch, arrange group travel, or your own visits one with another. Good luck!

    • admin

      CEEF does have a terrific handbook available online and the Victoria seems a lot of the exchange teachers I have conneted with all ended up in Victoria. Starting to get the financial aspect sorted too. Appreciate the heads-up about the moving expenses. Found your

      I came across your RodCast several months ago – enjoyed a couple casts. Tech Innovations in education are sure making things exciting. Back in the early 90s I enrolled in a Masters degree in Ed Tech from George Washington University offered over satellite and a BBS system.

      Thanks for the post and for the info!

      • cteachr

        We opened an account with Westpac, but never did use it. My paycheck continued to be deposited in my Canadian bank account, so I paid all my bills online as usual. I used my BMO Master Card for all my purchases in Oz. Never a problem and I got Air Miles too! I really don’t see the point of opening an account locally nowadays. The internet has changed so much about how things are done.

  3. Emma Sisley

    Hi there,

    Not sure if this a suitable place to post this but…I’m going all out…

    I am an Australian teacher who has applied for a teacher exchange to Canada for the 2013 school year through the West Australian Department of Education. Unfortunately, I have recently been told they cannot find a match for me….So, I was hoping that someone out there may be interested in an exchange to Western Australia!!??
    I have heaps of information if you are interested.
    I teach year 7 (last year of Primary school), live on the beach, we have amazing weather…come on, take the leap! It will be awesome.

    My email address is emma_sisley@hotmail.com
    I would love to hear from you,

  4. Jenna Patten

    My husband and I are also interested in taking up a exchange to Canada, BC or Colorado. We live on the beautiful Sunshine Coast in Queensland Australia. We are looking to exchange for 2014. My husband is a middle – senior(8-12) school maths and science/biology teacher at a Anglican Private school on the Sunshine Coast. This is a very very good school to be working at! We live about 30min from the school in a beautiful hinterland town about 20mins drive to the beach/sops etc. We have two small children ages 6 & 4 and would for them to experience another country while they are young. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you are interested. πŸ™‚
    EMAIL IS – jenna_0004@hotmail.com

  5. Muhammad Januar

    Hi… My name is Muhammad Januar. I’m Indonesian. I’m English Teacher in 2 different school in Educational City. Firstly, I’ve been teaching in Senior High School 2 Metro and Secondly, In Islamic Boarding School Of Al Muhsin Metro. I’m very interested in this program. But My experience had been 3 years for teaching. So, Could I join this teacher exchange?? Thanks

    • milesmac

      Muhammad – this site does not run a program, but I did find a teacher exchange program to Australia that includes Indonesia.
      Trust you’ll be able to find a program there in which you can participate.

  6. cteachr

    Hey, I’ve nominated you for an award. Head on over to my blog and see – http://feb122010.wordpress.com/2014/02/19/the-lighthouse-award/

  7. Jarred

    Hi there, I’m a Primary PE teacher from Perth Western Australia hoping to do an exchange to Canada in 2017 with my wife and 2 young children. I know it’s a few years away but am hoping there is a Canadian PE teacher out there with a similar time frame in mind?
    I teach at a great school, live in a large 5×3 house 10 minutes from school and the beach.

    If anyone is interested please email me at jarredandsonia@hotmail.com

  8. Savanna

    I’m looking for a match for my husband. He teaches at highschool and runs the learning centre (individual learning plans). We live in Smithers bc which is a small ski town. We have a 5 acre property that is 7 minutes from town and 30 minutes to the top of the ski mountain. I’d love to get us to Perth Australia… Preferably accessible to horse country:)

  9. T

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading your site. We are waiting for a match to Australia. I’m a primary planning time teacher just north of Toronto, ON. It’s me, my husband and son πŸ™‚ hoping to hear good news soon.

    • milesmac

      Thanks T πŸ™‚ All the best with your application – consider blogging about your experience too. I read through my own blog recently too and am very thankful to have all those memories and reflections. Keep in touch!

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