Tagged With: money
Managing Finances During International Teaching Exchange
Bank fees are at the bottom of the “things I want to spend money on while living abroad” list yet it could be one of the more expensive items if not managed wisely. Being paid in Canada while working in Australia presents some challenges in managing finances during the year. With exchange rates fluctuating daily (at … Continue reading
Categories: Planning for the Exchange
Tags: Australia, budgeting, Canada, exchange, finances, money, planning
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Budgeting for an International Teacher Exchange
Visitors to expatistan.com and numbeo.com enter known prices for items in their location forming the basis from which cost of living comparisons are made. Making a budget is reasonably easy; holding to a budget is much more challenging. Digital money management tools quickly reveal where the money goes, and from there, where to staunch the … Continue reading
Categories: Planning for the Exchange
Tags: Australia, budgeting, Canada, finances, money, planning, preparation, Teacher exchange
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