Tagged With: planning
Managing Finances During International Teaching Exchange
Bank fees are at the bottom of the “things I want to spend money on while living abroad” list yet it could be one of the more expensive items if not managed wisely. Being paid in Canada while working in Australia presents some challenges in managing finances during the year. With exchange rates fluctuating daily (at … Continue reading
Here, take my job and live in my house…
Consider the trust implied in the somewhat flippant title. With a teacher exchange, you’re establishing that level of trust with a complete stranger on the other side of the planet in the few months before the exchange takes place. My home insurance provider said to me, “oh, not to worry… you have reciprocal collateral.” That … Continue reading
You’ll Never Achieve Your Goals if You Don’t Have Any
Simple but true. We are setting all sorts of goals for ourselves: clearing out the garage and basement, culling old clothes from the closet, attending to long-needed house repairs and maintenance, and long term budgeting and saving to name just a few from the lengthy list of things to do. Would these things still … Continue reading
Planning our Work, then Working the Plan
Here’s a handy list I’m working on adapting to our situation and circumstances. Today we assembled a calendar covering the time period from today to potential departure. Elsewhere, I appreciated the post from another exchange blogger about the superficiality of some of these items but, as she observes, they are necessary nonetheless. Once you have obtained the … Continue reading
Our International Teacher Exchange Blog
After crunching numbers, playing with the budget, and discussing the enormity of the undertaking, we (my wife, son and I) have applied for an international teacher exchange to Australia. This means swapping jobs and homes with a teacher overseas: I work at his/her school, in his/her teaching position, and we live in his/her house. S/he does … Continue reading