Tagged With: anticipation
If by “waiting” you mean “feverishly preparing”…
“You must be getting excited for your exchange!” “Bet you can’t wait to go Australia for a year!” “Are you counting down the days until you leave?” Yes, yes, and yes! We are excited, but anxious at the same time. Right, we can’t “wait” to go. We are feverishly “preparing” to go. We count down … Continue reading
No, not yet. Soon we hope.
Half a year has passed since we mailed our application and no word yet on whether the Australian teacher exchange coordinators have found a match for us. I connected with two other applicants this past week. One who also applied to Australia has still not heard; while another applied for a UK exchange was disappointed, but not … Continue reading
You’ll Never Achieve Your Goals if You Don’t Have Any
Simple but true. We are setting all sorts of goals for ourselves: clearing out the garage and basement, culling old clothes from the closet, attending to long-needed house repairs and maintenance, and long term budgeting and saving to name just a few from the lengthy list of things to do. Would these things still … Continue reading
You’re Invited
“no matter what offer is made to you whilst away, just ACCEPT it!” via Teaching in Canada – Canada – Canadian Adventures – WorldNomads Adventures. In the beginning, never turn down an invitation from someone, even if it’s something you wouldn’t normally do. via How To Make A Bunch Of New Friends In Any New City. My … Continue reading
Today is the application deadline. Everything is in order and the wait begins (continues). Because the school board published the exchange approval in the meeting minutes, our application is common knowledge, but not yet having a match we explain that the exchange is not a “done deal” and it will be several months before we … Continue reading