Tagged With: Australia
Where is Home
I found this insightful post at “A Year On” sharing experiences of a sabbatical year in Jerusalem: If community-building is centripetal, pulling together, this year is all about the centrifuge. Our little family unit is being spun all around, getting to interact with all different kinds of people and communities. It’s confusing but not lonely, … Continue reading
Today is the application deadline. Everything is in order and the wait begins (continues). Because the school board published the exchange approval in the meeting minutes, our application is common knowledge, but not yet having a match we explain that the exchange is not a “done deal” and it will be several months before we … Continue reading
Budgeting for an International Teacher Exchange
Visitors to expatistan.com and numbeo.com enter known prices for items in their location forming the basis from which cost of living comparisons are made. Making a budget is reasonably easy; holding to a budget is much more challenging. Digital money management tools quickly reveal where the money goes, and from there, where to staunch the … Continue reading
How do You Even Start Preparing for a Year-long International Teaching Exchange
Swapping jobs and homes is more involved than you might think. Factor in not knowing the exchange partner, and there are a million concerns and questions with not so many answers yet. Here are some: Transportation there: Buy? Lease? Public transport? Insurance rates? Driving on the other side of the road! Pets here: Anyone want … Continue reading
Application in the Mail
A dozen pages of personal and professional profiles, community and job descriptions, home layout and photos, references, and a statement of medical fitness carefully sealed in a large brown envelope hit the bottom of the mail bin today destined for the teacher exchange program coordinator. Now the wait. Months of talking, planning, researching, questioning, and … Continue reading